Al-Anon Information Service
Each GROUP is responsible to have an Alternate Group Representative (AGR) OR a Group Representative (GR) attend each meeting…
Saturday November 18, 2017 at 1:00 pm
At Clean Air --- 2906 Duniven Circle
What is A.I.S.?
Telephone Answering Service
Maintains Website
Updates Meeting
Works with District Representative
AGR’s / DR’s report on group activity
Reports back to Groups from assembly
Fundraisers / events
Come see if you would be interested in Service work. Keep Al-Anon alive!
* AGR / GR, please make sure we have current information on you and your group. (Please delegate someone from your group to attend, this is part of being “Responsible” for Carrying the 12th Step message)
Who is your GROUP or ALT GROUP Representative?
3 Legacies of Al-Anon “Unity – Recovery – Service”
Thank you,
AIS Amarillo District 1