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Al-Anon AIS Meeting Minutes

January 18, 2020 | 12:00 p.m.

7 members were present

Lori opened with the Serenity Prayer at noon.

Since there were no minutes from the last meeting, Susan read her notes and they were approved as minutes.

Treasurer’s Report – Maureen

  • A financial statement was presented

  • Balance in AIS account as of 1/15/20 - $3,998.40

  • A financial summary of the last 3 years was presented for members to take back to their groups.

  • Since the last few fund raisers have created a surplus in our account, a motion was made and approved to make up to $300.00 available to each group this year to help with expenses to send a representative to West Texas Assembly in May and November. If your group would like to take advantage of these funds, please contact Maureen - or come to the next AIS meeting in April.

  • A motion was made and approved to transfer the funds from the Moss Lane group that is now closed to the District account. All but $5.00 of the $91.16 will be transferred by check to the District account via check. $5.00 will be left in the account to keep it open in case Moss Lane has enough people to re-start the group in the future.

  • Maureen will be sending a check soon to the Telephone Answering Service to pay for the whole year - $844.32.

Telephone Answering Service Report - Ann

  • The answering service is getting an average of 19 calls per month. It was approved by those present to keeping paying for this service for another year.

Website Report – Susan

  • During the month of December, 2019, our website received 97 unique visitors.

  • Our Google My Business account shows that during December 608 people found our website via Google search. 2 asked for directions to meetings. 8 called the answering service number. 31 visited the website from the search link.

  • Susan requested that the groups review their information on the meeting schedule and send her any changes. She reminded everyone to check the Events page for upcoming meeting times. If anyone has any suggestions for changes to the website, please submit them to through the contact form.

  • Susan and Maureen are working on content for a new page about Alateen, with content submitted by the Alateens about benefits they receive from attending meetings.

  • Daniel made a suggestion to add some information explaining what AIS is, because a lot of newcomers aren’t learning about it at their meetings. It was approved to add a section called “What is AIS?” to the About page.

Literature Report – Lori

  • Lori has copies of “Al-Anon Faces Alcoholism”. If your group would like some copies to distribute, please contact her -

Alateen Report – Maureen

  • We now have 6 Alateen sponsors – The sponsors are able to rotate duties so they don’t get burned out.

  • We have received 3 emails in the last 3 weeks from parents wanting information

  • The kids have recently done their first group inventory and are enjoying journaling on various topics, and sharing their writings at the meetings.

Liaison Report – Lori

  • Lori’s term of service as Liaison will end this summer, so we will need to find someone to take her place. Please spread the word to your groups.

Group Reports

  • Several members have contacted groups outside of Amarillo to update their meeting and contact information.

  • Top of Texas – Monday and Friday meetings are light but Wednesday is still well attended. Their anniversary will be March 6-8 and the Old Timers Reunion will be April 24-26. Carol C. from Clean Air will be the Al-Anon speaker on Saturday.

  • Clean Air – All meetings are well attended. The Friday speaker meeting has been very well attended lately. They have had several new comers in the last few weeks.

  • Hobbs – Good attendance at both meetings. They will have their anniversary in April, but a date hasn’t been announced, yet.

  • Borger – Still active, but sometimes no one at meetings. Contact info has been updated.

  • Canadian – Still active with good attendance.

  • Canyon – Still active, have about 6 members. Call to make sure someone is there before coming to the meeting.

  • Dalhart – Still active, updated their phone number.

  • Dimmitt – Still active, good attendance from several of the surrounding towns.

  • Pampa – Susan is trying to find out if this meeting is still active.

  • Spearman – Still active, good attendance, updated their phone numbers.

  • Childress – Kyll is going to call to make sure they are still active.

Food Festival Fundraiser

  • The Food Festival will be at First Christian Church again this year. March 28, 12:00 noon to 4:00. Groups are asked to bring a basket to raffle. Each group can bring whatever they want to sell for fundraising, like food or crafts. Some of the men are going to make a Men of Al-Anon Calendar. These will be available to pre-order.

  • Raffle tickets for the Pit Boss grill are $25 each. Contact Maureen if you want to buy a ticket -can text or call: 806-626-5487. It will be a Reverse (ask us if you don’t know what that is) using a deck of playing cards for the tickets. Don’t need to be present to win.

  • Flyers are available to distribute to the groups and have been emailed to the groups that are on our email list.

  • If you are on the Facebook group, more information about the fundraiser will be shared there.

District Report – Kyll

  • Kyll expressed his appreciation for everyone who has stepped up to help out since the fire in his apartment. He will be going to Assembly in May and will be working on catching up on District duties.

Adjourned with the Lord’s Prayer at 1:45.

Respectfully submitted,

Susan P.


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